Archives for category: — museums

Paper presented at IASDR 2023 conference

The paper Design and the reframing of participatory approaches in Cultural Heritage and museums beyond pandemic crisis, has been presented by Eleonora lupo during the conference.

The paper aims at reframing the concept of participatory approaches in Cultural Heritage to rethink and re-design, in an long–term perspective and taking in account the lesson learnt in the post-covid recovery and the post-digital scenario, the role, competences and modes of collaborations of museums and their community of stakeholders. It discusses the participatory paradigm in CH proposing a ‘participatory continuum of phygital proximity’ based on the concept of museums ‘ecosystem’, to re-consider the conventional participatory rhetoric and drive digital transformations and organisational changes with a long-term perspective.

The full proceedings of the conference can be browsed in the Digital Library of the Design Research Society, from this link.

In occasione della Digital Week di Milano, il 10 Novembre dalle ore 18.00  si svolgerà la presentazione del D\Tank, il Think Tank del Dipartimento di Design del Politecnico di Milano. 

Nel corso dell’evento intitolato “Come sarà il presente?”,verranno presentati i progetti in corso sui temi della transizione digitale negli ambiti di Digital Care e Digital for Museums.

Il programma è consultabile a questo link.

Just published open access from Blucher the proceedingd of the 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research. The paper “Design visions for the Cultural Heritage sector in the post-pandemic crisis: designing for “CH and museums of proximity” by E. Lupo can be found in the track: Safe harbour for reflection and reorganisation.

The article Design and innovation for the Cultural Heritage. Phygital connections for a Heritage of proximity has been published in AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design in Vol 10 (2021): LINKS | Physical, Virtual, Digital

The article presents reflections in the field of design for the Cultural Heritage within the ‘phygital’ scenario, in which the physical-analogical world converges and interacts with the virtual-digital world in a new fluid space. Design culture responds to these transformations (and to the need for new ways to relate to, become involved with and connect deeply with the Heritage, partly in response to the post-pandemic crisis) with an innovative approach to culture-driven technology. Defined as ‘culture-driven innovation’, it aims to innovate the user experience and hence the experience of designing with the Heritage, through the co-creation of augmented and amplified narratives, participatory and contributory co-curatorial practices, as well as performance practices and the creative re-use of the cultural Heritage.


Coming soon the final book of the Mela project experimental Action at Museo Diocesano di Milano.

The book “Designing Multivocal museums. Intercultural practices at Museo Diocesano, Milano” is edited by Rita Capurro and Eleonora Lupo and will be published by Politecnico di Milano.

This book grew out of the work of the Research Field 05 “Exhibition Design, Technology of Representation and Experimental Actions,” led by Jamie Allen of the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design in cooperation with Gennaro Postiglione, Politecnico di Milano, within the European project MeLa–European Museums in an age of migrations. MeLa is a four-year interdisciplinary research project funded in 2011 by the European Commission under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Programme (Seventh Framework Programme). The main objective of the MeLa project is to define innovative museum practices that reflect the challenges of the contemporary processes of globalisation, mobility and migration.

This book is meant to report the findings of the experimental action promoted at Museo Diocesano di Milano by the research team at Design department of Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the ITIA Department of the Italian National Research Council. The experimental action was intended to test the potentialities of digital and mobile technologies in supporting the disclosure of multicultural perspective on religious asset.

Il design per i musei


Il 20 maggio, alle ore 18.30 presso il Teatro Agorà della Triennale di Milano, si terrà il seminario Il design per i musei, che si propone di analizzare il ruolo e le funzione che il design può svolgere per i musei, alla luce della nuova concezione di bene culturale sviluppatasi in questi anni e le opportunità che il digitale può offrire.

Durante il seminario verrà presentato il cofanetto Electa in tre volumi “Design &Cultural Heritage”, a cura di Fulvio Irace, Graziella Leyla Ciagà, Eleonora Lupo e Raffaella Trocchianesi.

Introduce e modera
Fulvio Irace

Paola Albini
Silvana Annicchiarico
Leyla Ciagà
Eleonora Lupo
Raffaella Trocchianesi


Big interest for the demostration of the Mela Experimental action for the Museo diocesano: we presented a poster and offered to visitors the possibility to perform the test by the use of tablet (thanks to s, Chiesa, D. Spallazzo, E. Ozdil). For info see also these articles: Mela experimental action, Mela@MWF2104

From this link you can see the slide show accompanying the demonstration.


The Mela projcet team (design dept.) will be present at the conference Museum and the web 2014 (Florence, February 18-21) with a demonstration on “Strategies for connecting religious cultural heritage. The role of technologies in an on field experimental action of Museo Diocesano, Milan”.

This experimental action, started in the spring of 2013, is based on a collaboration between the Design dept. of Politecnico di Milano and ITIA-Institute for industrial technology and automation of CNR (National Research Council), and it consists in the design of a visitor experience transforming the contemplative fruition in an interactive and contributive visit, possibly enabling intercultural dialogue too, by the use of digital technologies.
The project proposes a prototype path limited to five XVIII century paintings of the collection of Museo Diocesano, selected in the so-called Sala della Confraternita del SS. Sacramento e S. Caterina representing various miracles about the Eucharist. These paintings are very far also from the piety of the contemporary Catholics, so the experimentation has two objectives: on one hand to discuss and verify the intercultural potential of religion and its role as a privileged ‘place’ for the encounters of different religions within the Museo Diocesano, and, on the other hand, to enhance the museum experience for the usual public.
The project is based on the use of mobile technologies to present different interpretations on the cultural assets, making use of multimedia, such as video narrations, of interactive questions and of augmented reality to stimulate engagement and insights, on the potentialities of the multivocal serious interpretations, physical and social interaction.

See more from this link.


Appena pubblicato da Electa il cofanetto “Design& Cultural heritage”, composto da tre volumi, Immateriale, virtuale, interattivo (a cura di Fulvio Irace), Archivio animato (Fulvio Irace e Graziella Leyla Ciagà) e Progetto e memoria del temporaneo (Eleonora Lupo e Raffaella Trocchianesi).

La trilogia raccoglie i risultati di un progetto di ricerca finanziato dal MIUR (Il design del patrimonio culturale tra storia, memoria e conoscenza. L’Immateriale, il Virtuale l’Interattivo come materia di progetto nel tempo della crisi), che ha coinvolto quattro unità operative: il Politecnico di Milano, l’Università degli Studi di Palermo, l’Univerisità degli Studi di Bologna e quella di Genova.

Il terzo volume “Progetto e memoria del temporaneo” (a cura di Eleonora Lupo e Raffaella Trocchianesi) si rivolge invece al possibile Archivio Digitale degli Allestimenti Temporanei: anche in questo campo i nuovi strumenti aprono le porte a inedite modalità di documentazione, archiviazione e visualizzazione di un bene culturale come l’allestimento, altrimenti destinato a un inevitabile oblio al termine della sua breve apparizione.

(dalla scheda ufficio stampa Electa).

Scarica da qua la scheda del volume.

repository nodem

See the abstracts and  full papers given at the Nodem 2013 Conference in Stockholm “Beyond Control- The collaborative Museum and its Challanges, from the Nodem Repository  or view the keynote address from youtube.

Design & new models of archiving, documenting, visualizing and enhancing the design culture: towards a “Digital Archive of Cultural Temporary Exhibitions”
by R. Trocchianesi, E. Lupo, L. Parrino, N. Pedrazzini, A. Spagnoli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Craft heritage and digital documentation: the research project Contemporary Authentic
by E. Lupo, Politecnico Milano, Italy

Technologies for supporting the inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue at religious museums: the on field experimental action of Museo Diocesano, Milano by R. Capurro, R. Chiesa, E. Lupo, D. Spallazzo, R. Trocchianesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

From this link you can see the presentation of the paper “Technologies for supporting the intercultural dialogue at religious museum”.